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Sample Volumes and Type

For specific details of sample volume and type requirements see test listings.  If a short sample is obtained then please contact the laboratory to discuss test options.

Storage of Specimens

Most samples are stored at -20oC and retained for about 3 months before disposal. If further tests are required on a patient in the light of earlier results, it may be possbile to save the inconvenience of a repeat venesection for the patient by contacting the laboratory and arranging further tests on the stored serum.

Request Form Information

Request forms should be legible and contain as a minimum the patient name (or other identifier), date of birth, laboratory number, hospital number and return address. Please note that the patient hospital number cannot be considered as a unique identifier in terms of requests sent to the PRU. The use of the patients NHS number is recommended as a unique patient identifier. Clinical details should also be included if available.

All requests for assays provided by the Protein Reference Unit must be made by a Clinician. We are unable to accept requests made by directly by patients.

Urgent Requests

Please telephone the PRU to discuss any urgent requests before sample despatch.

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